Templates explanation

All templates can be used cumulutively, meaning you can put one template on top of a picutre that already has another template on. (e.g. establish “COR”, set “Base%”, add “T2Heel”)

The below table outlines the scope of each template and indication range of use, which is not to be seen as fixed rule or recommendation, but rather provides an overview of what other users have expressed as their personal view.

TemplateScopeObservational Range of Use
ThinMeasures angles from point A to point Bn/a
ThickMeasures angles from point A to point Bn/a
BullseyeLocates the centre of a joint n/a
CorFind the centre of rotation of the horse’s cofin joint.22 +/- 7 degrees
Base%To be used in conjunction with COR to determine how much (%age) of the foot is infront the centre of rotation and how much is behind it, from a lateral (side) viewOften seen in the barehoof, 60/40 (60% in front, 40% behind)
T2HeelUsed to measure the front hoof wall angle and the heel angle at the back of the footNo more than 10% difference
Cor green circleAs “Cor” with green identity circle added. Locates the attachment point of the extensor ligament. Also locates the position of the novicular bone.22 +/- 7 degrees
Sole corFinds the centre of rotation on the sole view of the hoofn/a
Heel to toe ratioShows the ratio between the front and the back of the hoof (e.g. front = x times height of the back)(2.8-3.1) : 1
Sole ratioTo be used in conjuntion with “Sole Cor” to determine how much (%age) of the foot is infront the centre of rotation and how much is behind it, from a sole viewNo more than 10% difference
DotPurely acts as reference point for the other templatesn/a

There are variables that will effect the outcome of using the templates.
What is right or wrong is not the question, nor the answer – it is understanding the variables and judging for yourself a reasonable/useable method/outcome
If you follow set guidelines from scientific studies / mentors, you will get consistent results you can understand.

The control of the templates varies. Some are controlled using one finger, others are controlled by using two fingers. The below table outlines how each template gets controlled.

TemplateFinger Control
ThinOne Finger at the end of each line to position the templates itself or to adjust its length
ThickOne Finger at the end of each line to position the templates itself or to adjust its length
BullseyeTwo-finger to control size and one finger to position
CorOne finger at each end of the line to position the template
Base%One finger at each end of the line to position the template
T2HeelOne finger at each end of the line to position the template
Cor green circleOne finger at each end of the line to position the template
Sole corOne finger at each end of the line to position the template
Heel to toe ratioOne finger at each end of the line to position the template
Sole ratioTwo fingers to enlarge and position, one finger to move the green bar to find ratio
DotOne finger